الاثنين، 28 ديسمبر 2015

The foot care guide

Foot care for people with diabetes

Dr . Tarik Torki
  Diabetic Foot Specialist & Foot Care Specialist
Saudi Arabia – Riyadh
Khuris Street – In Front of Pakistanian Airline

Basic foot care guidelines

Dr . Tarik Torki
Diabetic Foot Specialist& Foot Care Specialist
Saudi Arabia – Riyadh
Khuris Street – In Front of Pakistanian Airline

Foot care for people with diabetes

Dr . Tarik Torki
Diabetic Foot Specialist & Foot Care Specialist
Saudi Arabia – Riyadh
Khuris Street – In Front of Pakistanian Airline

Taking care of your feet in diabetes


Everyone wants to have beautiful feet, especially during the warmer months, when flip flops and sandals are the go-to footwear. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to keep your feet in tip-top shape because they take a lot of wear and tear. They support your weight and get you around, don’t they? If you want to keep your feet looking their best, you have to take steps to preserve and maintain them. Here are eight ways to keep your feet looking their best all year long:
1. Wear Shoes that Fit
Some people are on their feet more than others — for example, waitresses and those who go on long daily runs — but we should all be wearing comfortable, well-fitting shoes, whenever possible. The wrong shoes will wear your feet down pretty quickly. Shoes that are too small or just rub your feet the wrong way can cause unsightly blisters and corns. You should be especially careful when bringing home a new pair. Most shoes take awhile to break in, so you shouldn’t wear those cute new heels three days in a row.
2. Soak Your Feet Often
From time to time everyone’s feet will have rough or dry skin. To keep them soft and clean, be sure to soak your feet regularly. There is a number of fancy foot baths out there, but you really just need a bucket of warm water for a good soak. You can add some olive oil and few drops of scented essential oil of your choice (rose essential oil will be great) for additional luxury. It’s best to soak your feet for, approximately, ten to fifteen minutes; otherwise, your feet will become pruned, which isn’t very effective, if you’re trying to remove dead skin.
3. Scrub
After you’ve soaked your feet for a while, be sure to give them a good scrub to smooth rough or dry areas. You can use a foot or facial scrub if you’d like or you can take your feet out of the water and use a pumice stone to massage the rough areas. Remember: a pumice stone is more effective when your feet are still damp and you should always go with the grain of your feet.
4. Let Your Feet Breathe
It’s a good habit to take your shoes off after you get home, so that you can let your feet breathe. Otherwise, the sweat and dirt that build up in your shoes during the day — yes, your feet sweat, even if you always wear cotton socks — will continue to wear on your feet after hours. In the winter, you can also put on a fresh pair of cotton socks or slippers, especially, if you wash and lotion your feet beforehand, as the socks help lock in moisture. If you allow dirt and sweat to stay on your feet longer than necessary, you’re creating a breeding ground for athlete’s foot and other diseases.
5. Remove Your Polish
Over time, nail polish can wear down your nails. Before reapplying new polish, be sure to remove all of the old layers. If you can, let your toenails go polish-free for few hours and then, apply a polish that helps strengthen your nails.
6. Trim Your Nails to a Suitable Length
Broken and ingrown toenails aren’t just unsightly — they’re also painful. To prevent these ailments, make a point to regularly trim your toenails. Just be sure not to make the nail too short, as this can also cause discomfort.
7. Moisturizing treatment
If you want your feet to feel baby soft, you need to invest in a good foot cream or use natural oils. In general, your feet need a thicker cream than the rest of your body, as the skin on your feet is also thicker. Choose a cream with Vitamin E and coconut oil to keep your feet at their smoothest. Coconut oil foot massage is another simple way to soothe and hydrate tired feet. If you have some serious dry skin issues on your feet, try an overnight moisturizing treatment: simply massage your feet with cocoa butter and then, put on your favorite pair of cotton socks. Your feet will feel much softer when you wake up in the morning.
8. Wash with Purified Water
Some of us just seem to have feet that are more prone to ailments. My mom’s heals tend to crack no matter how much lotion she applies. She’s even used medicated balms and ointments, though nothing made her feet as soft as she’d like. A few years ago, she realized that her house was in an area with hard water, which can really dry out the skin. It turns out that the tap water was making her cracked heels worse and since then, she’s made a point to only soak her feet in purified water. If your feet dry out easily, you may consider washing them with treated well water or another kind of purified water. Water treatment systems can make a big difference in softening your skin.
What are your favorite tips for beautiful feet? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment’s section below.
Stay beautiful!
Dr . Tarik Torki
Diabetic Foot Specialist & Foot Care Specialist
Saudi Arabia – Riyadh
Khuris Street – In Front of Pakistanian Airline

8 Ways to Treat Your Feet Right

They're the workhorses of our bodies, but we give them so little respect.
It's easy to take our feet for granted. They're just there, putting up with a host of challenges, from being jammed into high heels and elevated to unnatural heights to smothering inside sweaty socks or tight nylon pantyhose.
While suffering those indignities, our feet take hundreds of tons of force impact just during an average day of walking. That pounding explains why feet are the body part most likely to get injured.
You don't need an expensive spa treatment to take care of your feet. Spending just a few minutes a day on foot care and choosing the right shoes can keep you free of problems that may lead to pain and even disability. These ideas can help your feet feel great:
·  Make a point to wash your feet (and between your toes!) with a washcloth carefully and regularly. Yes, that means bending over in the shower to soap them up; if you can't balance safely, use a long-handled shower brush or sit on a chair outside the tub as you wash your feet under the faucets. Be sure to dry feet completely, including between the toes. This wash-and-dry system lessens problems such as athlete's foot, odor, bacteria and fungus.
·  If you like to soak your feet, forget the Epsom salts—they're too drying and don't offer any medical benefit. Instead, just use warm (never hot) water and a little liquid soap, such as dishwashing solution, containing skin softeners.
·  Moisturize your feet after washing. During dry-skin winter months, you may want to moisturize several times a day. Nothing fancy is needed: basic lotions and creams are fine.
·  Alternate the shoes you wear each day. That may mean having two pairs of your favorite everyday style, but shoes need time to air out to avoid triggering foot odor or infections. Change socks or stockings more than once a day. If you have a problem with smelly feet, soak them in a mixture of vinegar and water.
·  Your feet should not hurt—ever. Tight shoes can worsen bunions, distort toe shape and cause painful foot growths. If you wear high heels, choose heels that are wide, stable and no higher than two inches. Toe boxes should be wide; pointed toes shouldn't begin their narrowing shape until well past the ball of the foot. To protect your Achilles tendon from shortening, alternate heel heights regularly.
·  Flip-flops and completely flat shoes don't provide arch support. Neither does walking barefoot. Women are especially prone to developing flat feet, which can lead to other foot problems. To keep feet strong and healthy, minimize the amount of time you wear shoes that lack supportive arches.
·  Pregnancy, aging and diabetes all affect your feet. Pregnant women need shoes with broad heels, arch support and good shock absorbency. Added pregnancy weight may cause your shoe size to change, so get your feet measured. Older women lose some of the cushioning fat on the balls of their feet; choose shoes that provide more shock protection. Diabetics can develop serious conditions related to the feet and lower legs. Check feet for any problems daily and see a podiatric physician at least annually.
·  Be cautious about having a pedicure in a salon, where cleanliness of tubs and instruments is vital. If you have diabetes, talk with your doctor before having a pedicure.

Dr . Tarik Torki

Diabetic Foot Specialist & Foot Care Specialist

Saudi Arabia – Riyadh


Khuris Street – In Front of Pakistanian Airline



Tips on Good Foot Care


1. Take care of your diabetes.

Work with your health care team to keep your blood sugar within a good range


2. Check your feet every day.

Look at your bare feet every day for cuts, blisters, red spots, and swelling.

Use a mirror to check the bottoms of your feet or ask a family member for help if you have trouble seeing.


3. Wash your feet every day.

Wash your feet in warm, not hot, water every day.

Dry your feet well. Be sure to dry between the toes


4. Keep the skin soft and smooth.

Rub a thin coat of skin lotion over the tops and bottoms of your feet, but not between your toes.


5. Smooth corns and calluses gently.

Use a pumice stone to smooth corns and calluses.


6. Trim your toenails each week or when needed.

Trim your toenails straight across and file the edges with an emery board or nail file.


7. Wear shoes and socks at all times.

Never walk barefoot.

Wear comfortable shoes that fit well and protect your feet.

Feel inside your shoes before putting them on each time to make sure the lining is smooth and there are no objects inside.


8. Protect your feet from hot and cold.

Wear shoes at the beach or on hot pavement.

Wear socks at night if your feet get cold.


9. Keep the blood flowing to your feet.

Put your feet up when sitting.

Wiggle your toes and move your ankles up and down for 5 minutes, 2 or 3 times a day.

Don't cross your legs for long periods of time.

Don't smoke.


10. Be more active.

Plan your physical activity program with your doctor.


11. Check with your doctor.

Have your doctor check your bare feet and find out whether you are likely to have serious foot problems. Remember that you may not feel the pain of an injury.

Call your doctor right away if a cut, sore, blister, or bruise on your foot does not begin to heal after one day.

Follow your doctor's advice about foot care.


12. Get started now.

Begin taking good care of your feet today.

Set a time every day to check your feet.


Dr . Tarik Torki
Diabetic Foot Specialist & Foot Care Specialist
Saudi Arabia – Riyadh
Khuris Street – In Front of Pakistanian Airline