Twitter Chat Transcript Click Here To View Part 2 Of This Transcript diabetesinfl Who’s ready for tonight’s #Diabetesinfl twitter chat w/@DiabetesINFL @amypcampbell @PowerofSleep @BetterSleepOrg #BetterSleepMonth primetimeparent Welcome everyone to the #BetterSleepMonth #DiabetesINFL and tweet along to win (1) of (3) $50 gift cards 1loco @primetimeparent Happy to be here! #BetterSleepMonth #DiabetesINFL 1loco @DiabetesINFL @amypcampbell @PowerofSleep @BetterSleepOrg Ready! #BetterSleepMonth #DiabetesINFL dentistmel Hey, hey, hey! It’s time for the #BetterSleepMonth #DiabetesINFL party! AD diabetesinfl We are so fortunate to have @amypcampbell @CoffeyTalk @PowerofSleep with us tonight for #Diabetesinfl #BetterSleepMonth ranadurham @DiabetesINFL @amypcampbell @PowerofSleep @BetterSleepOrg Me me #diabetesinfl ranadurham @1loco @DiabetesINFL @amypcampbell @PowerofSleep @BetterSleepOrg me too and gl #diabetesinfl diabetesinfl .@1loco @amypcampbell @PowerofSleep @BetterSleepOrg Thanks for joining us #BetterSleepMonth #DiabetesINFL diabetesinfl Follow @dentistmel @DiabetesINFL @CoffeyTalk @amypcampbell @primetimeparent @PowerofSleep @MaureenSRN #Diabetesinfl #BetterSleepMonth maureensrn Greetings from Murfreesboro, TN. Delighted to be here tonight. #DiabetesINFL 1loco @RanaDurham @DiabetesINFL @amypcampbell @PowerofSleep @BetterSleepOrg Thank you! Same to you! #BetterSleepMonth #DiabetesINFL nupurg_ghosh @dentistmel Hi so glad to join #BetterSleepMonth #diabetesINFL ranadurham @DiabetesINFL @amypcampbell @PowerofSleep @BetterSleepOrg yaay #BetterSleepMonth #diabetesinfl 1loco @DiabetesINFL @dentistmel @CoffeyTalk @amypcampbell @primetimeparent @PowerofSleep @MaureenSRN Following! #BetterSleepMonth #DiabetesINFL hsilvia75 @DiabetesINFL @amypcampbell @CoffeyTalk @PowerofSleep Hello! And thank you for being here! #BetterSleepMonth #DiabetesINFL maureensrn #DiabetesINFL amypcampbell Hi all! So [...]
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