الثلاثاء، 12 أبريل 2016

Twitter Chat For Better Sleep Month

Event Details  Add Reminder Where http://ift.tt/22sPkaw What  Twitter Chat: Twitter Chat for Better Sleep Month about the sleep essentials you need to know to have a healthier mind and body. With Amy Campbell, Terry Cralle and Lissa Coffey. #bettersleepmonth. When Wednesday, May 4, 2016: 8-9pm ET, 7-8pm CT, 6-7pm MT, 5-6pm PT Hosts DiabetesInfluencers.com (@DiabetesINFL) and CDiabetes.com (@CDiabetesinfo) Co-Hosts Amy Campbell, MS, RD, LDN, CDE Nutrition and Wellness Consultant and Writer @amypcampbell Lissa Coffey Author, Lifestyle & Relationship Expert, Media Personality, Dosha Diva. Serving up Ancient Wisdom with Modern Style! #CoffeyTalk http://ift.tt/1gWKhsh @CoffeyTalk Terry Cralle, RN Certified Clinical Sleep Educator, Sleep Health and Wellness Professional, National Speaker, Sleep Consultant, Lecturer, Spokesperson at Better Sleep Council @PowerofSleep Jasmine Wood A burst of energy who loves #sports, #sleep and anything #glutenfree! bettersleep.org @JasmineSleeps Mary Helen Working #mom who loves her kids to the moon and back. Likes to #run, talk, #sleep and drink #wine with bubbles. Stay focused and extra sparkly! bettersleep.org @MaryHelenSleeps ISPA ISPA is dedicated to protecting and enhancing the growth, profitability and stature of the mattress industry. sleepproducts.org @ISPASleep Better Sleep Council The BSC is a non-profit devoted to educating the public about the vital role#BetterSleep plays in leading a happy, healthy life. Tweet us your sleep tips! http://ift.tt/22sPm27 @BetterSleepOrg Melissa Weintraub Part time dentist and full time mom [...]

Source Diabetic recipes, free diabetes magazine & more! http://ift.tt/1SehOFE

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