Twitter Chat Transcript cdiabetesinfo Hi everyone! Welcome to tonight’s chat w/@DiabetesINFL and Aviva Goldfarb @thescramble #DiabetesINFL cdiabetesinfo Starting now! Join @DiabetesINFL @thescramble @primetimeparent @AmDiabetesBooks for The Six O’Clock Meal Planner #chat #DiabetesINFL diabetesinfl Good Evening! Welcome to tonight’s chat w/@DiabetesINFL and Aviva Goldfarb @CDiabetesinfo @primetimeparent @thescramble #DiabetesINFL diabetesinfl Tonight we’ll be chatting about w/Aviva Goldfarb @thescramble, CEO, cookbook author, meal planner &Today Show contributor!! #DiabetesINFL primetimeparent @DiabetesINFL @CDiabetesInfo @thescramble So glad to be here #diabetesinfl diabetesinfl Special shout out to #DiabetesINFL @tamirossrd @cravesomehealth @maureensrn @lorishemek @amypcampbell @diabetessisters @CraveSomeHealth diabetesinfl We are so fortunate to have with us @mahodorowicz, @primetimeparent @CDiabetesInfo #DiabetesINFL bridgettxrd Happy to be joining in! #diabetesinfl amypcampbell Great to be here tonight! #diabetesINFL diabetesinfl Also so happy to have #DiabetesINFL @BarbRuhsRD @AskDrBev @EatRightMama @BridgetTxRD @dentistmel @NCESDietitian @corlansky @christychomp diabetesinfl We will be giving away (5) copies of The Six O’Clock Meal Planner tonight so Tweet w/us #DiabetesINFL thescramble So glad to be part of the chat about my favorite topic–meal planning! It’s the key 2 making family dinners happen more often #DiabetesINFL diabetesinfl More #DiabetesINFL to follow @nutritionjill @BrilliantEating @fiberfriendly @LaurenPincusRD @LisaCantkier @maggiemoon_RD @DiabeticPsych diabetesinfl @thescramble We are so glad we can have you here with us to [...]
Source Diabetic recipes, free diabetes magazine & more!
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